A growing number of labels are used when referencing mental health and psychological wellbeing.

We understand that our clients don’t always come with a pre-defined diagnosis, but often describe feelings of sadness, stress, frustration etc or identify behaviours they would like to change.

Our multi-disciplinary team of practitioners are experienced in the management and treatment of a comprehensive range of presentations. Some of these include;

  • General anxiety, panic and stress
  • Depression & bipolar disorder
  • Obsessive-Compulsive Disorders (Hoarding Disorder, Trichotillomania, Dermatillomania)
  • Recovery after trauma or abuse (sexual, physical & emotional)
  • Eating disorders and body image concerns
  • Psychosis
  • Health concerns including chronic pain, illness and fatigue
  • Drug & Alcohol difficulties
  • Grief & Loss
  • Questioning sexual and/or gender identity.
  • Existential concerns (such as life transitions, self-esteem, intimacy, loneliness)
  • Pregnancy counselling
  • Interpersonal issues & relationship counselling


A range of assessments are able to be provided including;

Patients considering bariatric surgery are generally required to have a psychological assessment which provides important information about the patient’s mental health.

It also helps the patient cope and prepare for the rigorous postoperative regimen later on.

The typical cost for the assessment is around $340. This includes the initial appointment, the cost of the report itself and a written report which is prepared after your visit and assessment.

Psychometric testing and assessment of cognitive and learning abilities and difficulties is available at Wellington Street Clinic.

These assessments are commonly used to identify specific learning disorders (including suspected Dyslexia or Dyscalculia) and all general cognitive and scholastic functioning queries.

Pathway: there is no Medicare rebate available for psychometric testing but you may be eligible for a rebate through your private health fund. No referral is needed but it is helpful to have as much information as possible about the concerns prior to the first appointment. School reports and any previous assessments should be brought to the initial session.

(Please note that there is no Medicare rebate available for these assessments).

Diagnostic assessments for Autism (ASD) or Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) are not available at Wellington Street Clinic. Below is some information which may be beneficial for those seeking further information.


Parents are advised to contact Autism Tasmania for further information on services and providers in Tasmania https://www.autismtas.org.au/

Please note there is currently some Medicare funding available to families who are following the pathway of a private ASD diagnosis. The first step is to see a paediatrician as the referral to the psychologist/OT/Speech Pathologist must come from a paediatrician or a psychiatrist, not a GP.

The following website details the funding available https://www.autismawareness.com.au/financial-support/medicare/


A diagnosis of ADHD is usually made by a specialist paediatrician or child psychiatrist after referral from a doctor.

A thorough screening and assessment for ADHD can be provided at Wellington Street Clinic but only when requested by a specialist paediatrician or child psychiatrist.

A report will provide a detailed assessment of the child’s behaviour, including interviews with parents or carers and the school. This can be an expensive process as it requires specialist test batteries, school visits and interviews. The total cost is likely to be around $400-500 for the psychological report.